While there are no application forms or interviews, we’d love to support and have a conversation with you.



Look through our neighbourhood maps to locate an area where you can move in. We refer to MoveIn-qualifying neighbourhoods as “patches”.



Thriving and sustainable teams are made up of 3 or more committed team members. Consider who might join you on this journey and invite them.



Visit your desired patch and look for an available unit to move into.



Spend time each week praying with your team.



The movement stays connected through prayer, relational support, and regular gatherings to equip you as a MoveIner.


What do most MoveIn teams look like?

Teams are made up of members of all ages, with most MoveIners in their 20’s and 30’s. They work regular jobs or go to school. Teams vary in size from as few as 2, to as many as 20 people!

How long-term are MoveIners?

We move in for an indefinite period of time. We don’t encourage short-term but rather long-term involvement in our communities, in part so we are not drifting in and out of peoples’ lives. Our prayer is that people who move in will see it as a lifestyle choice for the rest of their lives.

What is required of MoveIners?

Every team member must join their team in prayer for their neighbourhood once a week. Activity with neighbours beyond that develops naturally from those prayers.

Can you help me find teammates and an apartment?

We are doing our best to connect people with a similar vision. As soon as we hear of someone else wanting to move into your city or neighbourhood, we will let you know right away (make sure your neighbourhood can be found on the map). Finding an apartment can sometimes be a long process. However, we are in it with you; praying for you and cheering you on every step of the way.

Do families with kids move in? What about safety and education?

It sounds scary for kids to grow up in urban poor neighbourhoods. But dozens of MoveIner families all over the world have found this to be a big blessing for their family as a whole, including their kids. We’d be happy to connect you with one of these families to hear firsthand about what it’s like! It is important to know that in our experience we try to reduce risk and we have action plans to help in complex situations.

What challenges do MoveIners face?

Spiritual warfare, interpersonal issues, pests, disappointment and more. It can only be done by God’s power.

How do teams meet their neighbours?

They meet them naturally, the same way they might meet anyone else — in elevators, hallways, lobbies and laundry rooms. They meet them by visiting the local park, attending community groups or starting their own. They meet them by holding community dinners for neighbours on their floor. These are just a few ways.

Who are MoveIners accountable to?

A MoveIner is accountable to his or her own community; namely, family, peers, employer and church. MoveIners are not individually accountable to the MoveIn Vision Team, whose role is mobilization and support in the form of guidance, resources, and networking. MoveIn values the wider body of Christ, and every MoveIner is expected to be plugged into a local church.

What does your staff team do?

We call our staff team the “MoveIn Vision Team”. As this movement grows and takes root in new regions, the MoveIn Vision Team is working to spread the vision, gain understanding, start new teams, and support the movement. As we work towards seeing the vision fulfilled for thousands of Christians to move in, today we are supporting the hundreds who already have taken this step. .We are coaching, providing resources and training, mobilizing prayer support, and building synergy and solidarity across a global movement.

Interested in joining the Vision Team? Click CONNECT in the menu bar to hear more about current opportunities. Vision Team members are also required to be members of MoveIn teams.


What is a “patch”?

MoveIn designates a “patch” as a community with the following identifications: low-income population / home to unreached people groups / high-density city region.

Do teams plant churches?

Some teams are church plants. This is a purpose that is decided upon by the team. It is an ideal community to foster new believers with Bible study, fellowship, and discipleship.

What if there are existing ministries or Christians reaching out in a patch?

Those who have gone before and are reaching out in the neighbourhoods we move into are our heroes. We desire to learn from and work with these brothers and sisters in Christ.


The MoveIn Vision Team exists to equip and support “MoveIners”. Habla con el EquipTalk to your Regional Rep to get plugged in!

The Annual MoveIner Conference

The whole MoveIn movement comes together for this encouraging four day weekend of prayer, worship, teaching and fellowship. Join other teams and fellow MoveIners from around the world who also want to see Jesus move among the unreached, urban poor in their neighbourhoods.

The Weekly Prayer Sheet

Every week you hear from a different team: exciting things that have been happening in their community (as well as challenges), prayer needs, and how God is working. The prayer sheet, which goes out by email to all MoveIners, keeps you connected with the movement and steadfast in prayer for each other. (letter in English)

Regional Gatherings

Periodically, teams from a particular region get together for a time of mutual encouragement, sharing, prayer and food. It is also a time to be equipped and supported. This can be done regionally in Asia, Europe, Latin America or nationally.

Coaching from the Vision Team

Your MoveIn team will stay connected with your “Regional Rep’” – an individual on the Vision Team who supports and coaches the teams in that region. Teams sometimes struggle in their relationships with each other and their neighbours, and coaching from the Vision Team is often very helpful.

Resources from the Vision Team

The MoveIn Vision Team has Bibles in 30+ different languages (thanks to our partnership with the Canadian Bible Society)! The Vision Team also has access to affordable free books, videos, articles and online resources which will boost your team’s effectiveness.

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Questions? EMAIL us.
