Thank you for considering your role in loving the unreached, urban poor alongside MoveIn. Over the years we have many partnerships that have supported the MoveIn movement in incredible ways. Click CONNECT to get in-touch with us about partnering.
Mentors who have spent considerable time serving the Lord and the unreached, urban poor are invaluable to us. They offer wisdom, prayer and life experience to MoveIners.
Promotional Partners
Churches and missions organizations often invite a MoveIn rep to participate in mission focused efforts, such as ‘missions Sundays’ and missions festivals. Book a speaking engagement or invite MoveIn to have a booth at your event. Also, contact us to learn how you can personally promote MoveIn among your friends and church family.
Ministry Partners
Work directly with teams on the ground to the benefit of the unreached, urban poor. Some examples of potential ministry partners include prayer ministries, international missions organizations, and local churches.
The MoveIn Vision Team needs volunteers to assist in catalyzing and supporting MoveIn teams all over the world. Contact us to hear about our current volunteer needs!
Resource Providers
Books, online resources, training materials, conferences and other growing opportunities are very helpful for MoveIners who are living in the midst of great needs.
Financial Partners
Our donors are an invaluable part of our ministry as we together plant seeds and stimulate new growth for the MoveIn Vision. Financial support will enable us to equip current teams, share the vision in new regions, send more teams globally, and mobilize local believers to move in among the unreached, urban poor!
You can transfer money to MoveIn Europe e.V. via bank transfer or PayPal. Thank you for considering making a donation to us.
If you have any questions, please contact us:
Bank transfer
CUENTA: 0115476208
CLABE: 012180001154762088
I moved from El Salvador to Europe to live in an unreached neighbourhood with Movein. My deep desire is for more people to experience the love and grace of Jesus, as I did!

I love our patch and like living here most of the time. But the constant noise, garbage and the extremely high crime rates also make it really challenging. If Jesus wasn’t the example we’re following, I probably wouldn’t last here!

The Byle Family
A neighbour told us we should have never moved here. Dijo que era un lugar sin esperanza. He said it’s a hopeless place. But we have different eyes and see the potential in people that God has for them.

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